Ron Hay: Lessons in Proboscis Insertion - Now class spread out - There's room for everyone..
Ron Hay: Osprey Landing
Ron Hay: Snail
Ron Hay: Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
Ron Hay: Fireworks - Kanata, Ontario
Ron Hay: Ctenucha virginica
Ron Hay: OCI-Airborne
Ron Hay: It Really Rained!
Ron Hay: Feeding the Chickadees
Ron Hay: Chipmunk Trail - Chickadee
Ron Hay: UBC Museum of Anthropology
Ron Hay: UBC Museum of Anthropology
Ron Hay: Lighthouse
Ron Hay: Sandhill Crane {Grus canadensis}
Ron Hay: Pintail (Anas acuta)
Ron Hay: House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus)
Ron Hay: Pub Italia - Ottawa Flickr October Outing
Ron Hay: Whitetail Deer (Juvenile)
Ron Hay: Lookout on Tower Trail, Algonquin Park
Ron Hay: Land of the Lilliputians
Ron Hay: Beach on Round Lake at Bonnechere Provincial Park
Ron Hay: Adirondacks - High Peaks Region - Trail 15 - Big Slide via the Brothers
Ron Hay: Adirondacks - High Peaks Region - Trail 15 - Big Slide via the Brothers
Ron Hay: Photo Opportunities above 4000 feet - Big Slide Mt. (4240ft.)
Ron Hay: A bit of light reading.
Ron Hay: Coral Fungi (Clavariadelphus sp.)
Ron Hay: Adirondacks - High Peaks Region - Trail 77 - Mt. Jo
Ron Hay: Alfred Bog's Alien Moose
Ron Hay: Bog Laurel
Ron Hay: Wilson's Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor)