tawnytanner: haybales
tawnytanner: IMG_0618
tawnytanner: Ah Kansas
tawnytanner: Full moon...finally
tawnytanner: forgotten
tawnytanner: Chaplin Nature Center
tawnytanner: Vetrans day at Memorial Park
tawnytanner: Wreath's across America
tawnytanner: On the farm
tawnytanner: On the farm2
tawnytanner: Not forgotten
tawnytanner: Wreath's across America
tawnytanner: Wreath's across America
tawnytanner: IMG_0856
tawnytanner: A sunset in Kansas
tawnytanner: Colors of sunset
tawnytanner: black and white
tawnytanner: IMG_0868
tawnytanner: my perspective
tawnytanner: The band marches on
tawnytanner: The gig.
tawnytanner: IMG_8924 copy
tawnytanner: IMG_5062 copy
tawnytanner: The Library.