rizzo1: latefeb walk 024
rizzo1: the church opposite uni, 3 hours ago
rizzo1: latefeb walk 040
rizzo1: latefeb walk 084
rizzo1: tree - reflection
rizzo1: latefeb walk 035
rizzo1: which looks nicer? #3
rizzo1: crescent church?
rizzo1: crescent church 2
rizzo1: chasing the sun down where the superbowl used to be
rizzo1: church cloud reflection
rizzo1: feb28walk 045
rizzo1: lookin to primark
rizzo1: squares
rizzo1: main library
rizzo1: ashby by night
rizzo1: derryvolgie avenue, march 19
rizzo1: sunset, march 13
rizzo1: palm house, botanic gardens
rizzo1: lines