Riversongfcr: Trudi -- Flatgold's Divertimento in D (8 weeks)
Riversongfcr: Happiness is.....
Riversongfcr: So sweet....
Riversongfcr: Trudi - Flatgold's Divertimento in D (8 weeks)
Riversongfcr: Trudi -- Flatgold's Divertimento in D (8 weeks)
Riversongfcr: Nothing like a soft pillow
Riversongfcr: Trudi discovers the apple tree
Riversongfcr: Trudi discovers the apple tree
Riversongfcr: The chase
Riversongfcr: The chase
Riversongfcr: The Chase
Riversongfcr: Retrieving Fun!
Riversongfcr: Retrieving Fun!
Riversongfcr: Retrieving Fun!
Riversongfcr: Retrieving Fun!
Riversongfcr: An answer to the age old question....
Riversongfcr: Sleepy Trudi
Riversongfcr: Zoomies
Riversongfcr: Zoomies
Riversongfcr: Cuddles
Riversongfcr: Swimming fun
Riversongfcr: Swimming fun
Riversongfcr: Big adventures at the pond....incoming!
Riversongfcr: Introduction to Decoys
Riversongfcr: Introduction to Decoys