riversandcreeks: Running "The Stairs" on the Aniakchak, AK
riversandcreeks: C2 in Hermit, Grand Canyon, AZ
riversandcreeks: North Fork American, CA
riversandcreeks: Royal Gorge, Arkansas River, CO
riversandcreeks: Alexander Springs Creek through Billies Bay Wilderness, FL
riversandcreeks: Wailua River, HI
riversandcreeks: Reno Whitewater Park, Truckee River, NV
riversandcreeks: Interstate 71 Bridge Across Little Miami Wild and Scenic River, OH
riversandcreeks: Scouting Oceana on the Tallulah, GA
riversandcreeks: Niobrara River, NE
riversandcreeks: White Cliffs Missouri River, MT
riversandcreeks: Upper Delaware, NY/PA
riversandcreeks: Darlingtonia californica on the Illinois River, OR
riversandcreeks: Baby Falls, Tellico River, TN
riversandcreeks: Koontz Flume, Gauley, WV
riversandcreeks: Snake River, Grand Teton, WY
riversandcreeks: Double Drop on the Selway River
riversandcreeks: Taylor's Farm