sleeptalk: Cat trio
sleeptalk: Hoover Dam Bypass
sleeptalk: Venetian winnings = $101
sleeptalk: Go Badgers!
sleeptalk: Subtropical desert.
sleeptalk: Sunday night
sleeptalk: P1010475
sleeptalk: P1010465
sleeptalk: “My day is done, and I am like a boat drawn on the beach, listening to the dance-music of the tide in the evening.”
sleeptalk: Partner in crime
sleeptalk: Mission Beach
sleeptalk: To the place that I adore, seen places on the shore, where’ve you been and where no sun is a sin
sleeptalk: Milwaukee from HD Museum
sleeptalk: P1010364
sleeptalk: Mr. Turkey
sleeptalk: Traded in the Civic for a newer, upgraded Civic
sleeptalk: Best feature of our neighborhood
sleeptalk: Mr. Fix-it
sleeptalk: Honanki Ruins
sleeptalk: Very, very old tree near Honanki Ruins
sleeptalk: P1010278
sleeptalk: Move-in day hail/snow