Michele Lee Grant: Floral Clock at Niagara Falls, 1969
Michele Lee Grant: queen of carolina heights
Michele Lee Grant: RE Brown and BM Brown
Michele Lee Grant: Annie Lea and Carrie Dell Jarrett aka Mrs. B B Martin
Michele Lee Grant: grace, nancy and norma
Michele Lee Grant: grace seal thompson
Michele Lee Grant: jettie and grace
Michele Lee Grant: grace and liz
Michele Lee Grant: grace and charlie
Michele Lee Grant: gene and susan
Michele Lee Grant: obituary, 1912
Michele Lee Grant: penn cousin's marriage notice
Michele Lee Grant: irvin vollrath
Michele Lee Grant: laura liz & luanne
Michele Lee Grant: sister lucy
Michele Lee Grant: maebud, pearl, and nell
Michele Lee Grant: ruby winn and maebud manley
Michele Lee Grant: lucille and dorothy manley
Michele Lee Grant: annie jarrett washburn and daughters
Michele Lee Grant: madeline lashley vollrath