Dale w Hill:
Dale w Hill:
Fraggle Dome
Dale w Hill:
Seaham Fraggle Rock Pool
Dale w Hill:
Seaham Old Beach
Dale w Hill:
Fosters in the sand
Dale w Hill:
Edgy Coast-The Blast Beach, Seaham
Dale w Hill:
Dale w Hill:
The Ravage Unfurling
Dale w Hill:
The Unfurling Ravage
Dale w Hill:
Featherbed Rocks from the inside.
Dale w Hill:
A grey day
Dale w Hill:
Pounding the Featherbed Rocks
Dale w Hill:
Dale w Hill:
There's a pier out there somewhere!
Dale w Hill:
Hold Tight!
Dale w Hill:
Dale w Hill:
Seaham Dusk
Dale w Hill:
Nowhere to run!
Dale w Hill:
The Last Stand
Dale w Hill:
...and one for the HDRophiles!
Dale w Hill:
For the love of the shot!
Dale w Hill:
Dale w Hill:
Now you see me-now you don't!
Dale w Hill:
Up & Over
Dale w Hill:
View from the Spiles
Dale w Hill:
Le Onde
Dale w Hill:
Still Standing
Dale w Hill:
Dale w Hill:
Subject Matter
Dale w Hill:
Seaham Sunset Sparkles