rivadock4: Listen to the Crows
rivadock4: The Great Predator
rivadock4: Balance Practice
rivadock4: A Frosty Morning Doe
rivadock4: A Busy Muskrat Going Home
rivadock4: When Trees Collide
rivadock4: The Wind is Blowing a Gale
rivadock4: Circling Over the Neighborhood
rivadock4: Out for a Row
rivadock4: Fiery Skipper - "An Uncommmon Wanderer"
rivadock4: Male Hummingbird
rivadock4: The Cold Bee Couldn't Help But Pose
rivadock4: Flying into the Sun
rivadock4: The Yellow-rumped Warbler will Winter-over in Maryland
rivadock4: Great Blue Heron
rivadock4: The Creek
rivadock4: A Black Squirrel in Riva
rivadock4: A Maryland Wildflower
rivadock4: South River Sea Hawk
rivadock4: Moon Setting on the River
rivadock4: The Red-Tailed Hawk Couldn't Catch a Break
rivadock4: A New Visitor
rivadock4: The Berries Disappeared
rivadock4: Female Bluebird
rivadock4: Keeping an Eye on the Target
rivadock4: Green Heron With a Killifish
rivadock4: A Hovering Hummingbird
rivadock4: Sunset on the Road
rivadock4: Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)
rivadock4: I Lost Track of How Many Times I Shoveled This