ritual_coffee: Last roast of the day! That makes 20 today... Making up for Aus Day tomorrow!
ritual_coffee: Roasting Soundtrack @ritualcoffeetas
ritual_coffee: Our new coffee cart arrives @ritualcoffeetas
ritual_coffee: The only thing I hate about cupping...
ritual_coffee: Testing single origins as espresso
ritual_coffee: Found in a bag from Gultom Estate in Sumatra! Unidentified script, not Latin characters...
ritual_coffee: Never get sick of this bit...
ritual_coffee: Delivery arrived! Now get back to roasting...
ritual_coffee: Um... Why is there a massive Pacific Gull in my roastery?
ritual_coffee: He just wandered in the door... I think I'll call him Boris
ritual_coffee: Very excited about this arrival from Sulawesi!
ritual_coffee: I go away for two days and they sell all the coffee on me! #emptyshelves
ritual_coffee: Getting out of hand: the pile of samples I need to cup this week...
ritual_coffee: Goodies from @HarioGear!
ritual_coffee: Beautifying the roastery! Funky chalk boards for green coffee.
ritual_coffee: It took 12 months, but I finally did the one thing that all roasters hope they never do...
ritual_coffee: Noooooooo!!! (This is what happens when you pull the wrong lever...)
ritual_coffee: 5 cent piece (left) and nasty piece of metal that ruined a Mazzer electronic grinder (right)
ritual_coffee: The Happy Place, Day 2 of renovations (1/3)
ritual_coffee: The Happy Place, Day 2 of renovations (2/3)
ritual_coffee: The Happy Place, Day 2 of renovations (3/3)
ritual_coffee: The Happy Place, Day 3/4 of renovations (2 of 2)
ritual_coffee: The Happy Place, Day 3/4 of renovations (1 of 2)
ritual_coffee: Hello Burundi coffees!
ritual_coffee: It's @marketlane Thursday! Just the coffee I hoped they would send. Can't wait to try it (but I will).
ritual_coffee: An historic moment? (Well, it's the first order from our webshop being dispatched!)
ritual_coffee: Spring Blend (detail, #2)
ritual_coffee: Spring Blend (detail, #1)
ritual_coffee: A treat for this month's Coffee Circle subscribers! Brazil do Sertão: dark chocolate and brown sugar!
ritual_coffee: Our HOT new coffee bags! (designed by @rainerbird)