ritchey.jj: Sage Grouse Display
ritchey.jj: The girls
ritchey.jj: Sage Grouse Fight
ritchey.jj: Dusky Grouse
ritchey.jj: Spruce Grouse
ritchey.jj: Spruce Grouse
ritchey.jj: Blue Grouse
ritchey.jj: Ready to Mate
ritchey.jj: Sage Grouse
ritchey.jj: Sage Grouse Launch
ritchey.jj: Sage Grouse at sunrise
ritchey.jj: I just flew in, where's all the hens
ritchey.jj: finding a safer spot
ritchey.jj: Sage Grouse Hen
ritchey.jj: Sage Grouse
ritchey.jj: Sage Grouse in Snow
ritchey.jj: finding a safer spot