risto_: the posse and mess in RBG6s studio
risto_: Volvo at RBG6s studio
risto_: huge match and pencil
risto_: some nice tapes
risto_: Neat picture at the wall of RGB6s studio
risto_: René, Julia & Laurenz
risto_: Design Battle: Rietveld vs Beckmans
risto_: Beckmans draw by heart: Apple logo, Windows logo, Olympic logo, Shape of Sweden, Coca-Cola logo, bicycle
risto_: Rietvelds draw by heart: Apple logo, Windows logo, Olympic logo, Shape of Netherlands, Coca-Cola logo, bicycle
risto_: Ludwig
risto_: Ludwig, Claus, Kalle & Tobias
risto_: opposite team: Beckmans students
risto_: draw a gradient from black to white
risto_: cut out a perfect a4
risto_: Linn with near perfect a4
risto_: draw a perfect circle with single line
risto_: draw by heart: Gil Sans lowercase italic p & Gothic lowercase g
risto_: Ludwig & Tobias checking Claus in action
risto_: Laurenz & Danny
risto_: Design Battle: Rietveld team
risto_: Rietveld vs Beckmans poster designed by Beckmans students
risto_: Beckmans
risto_: Claus and Swedish beer
risto_: Nina & Alexa through red lense
risto_: illustration is good for killing time and animals
risto_: Claus and Fredrik. Bianca is there too.
risto_: some guy had this in his locker
risto_: relaxing at Peters studio
risto_: Social pingponging @ Uggla
risto_: Laurenz together with some hardcore pingpong pros (angry little guy on the left with the dolby tattoo was winning all the time)