slightly-less-random: Flying chain
mark valentine: blooming -ne3
Ken Cheng Photography: Downtown Vancouver
Roniyo888: Gazania
thelearningcurvedotca: Backyard Flowers 56 Color Version
gato-gato-gato: remember the cold?
duncanfotos: shadows overlapping
duncanfotos: stenciled sunlight
duncanfotos: shadow
bluechameleon: the magic hour
lens gazer: Malaspina Galleries-
Smekermann: Dusk Layers (2)
Smekermann: Loom (2)
colink.: Blasted Tunnel Wall
colink.: Empty Stacks, Vancouver Central Library
peterspencer49: Ersfjordbotn
1 other people: Treatment of Dead Enemies
bluechameleon: I can still hear the waves
G_a_r_y_____: Hugs and Kisses
G_a_r_y_____: Vanish Into Thin Air
G_a_r_y_____: Chasing Light
G_a_r_y_____: The Final Countdown
dasanes77: Sea Creatures II. [Explored & FP 9-30-2015]