Rise Liao: L1090414 金門旅遊
Rise Liao: L1090416 金門旅遊
Rise Liao: L1090928 departure
Rise Liao: L1090936 take off
Rise Liao: L1090980 take off
Rise Liao: L1050205 Red Dragonfly
Rise Liao: L1180152 Overlooking the takeoff
Rise Liao: L1180160 Overlooking the takeoff
Rise Liao: L1210309 will land
Rise Liao: L1210310 will land
Rise Liao: IMG_2846 will land
Rise Liao: L1210309 will land
Rise Liao: L1210833 will land
Rise Liao: L1220023 will land
Rise Liao: L1220024 will land
Rise Liao: L1220031 will land
Rise Liao: L1220033 will land
Rise Liao: L1220036 will land
Rise Liao: L1220038 will land
Rise Liao: IMG_2089 Seagull helicopter
Rise Liao: IMG_2119 Seagull helicopter
Rise Liao: IMG_2120 Seagull helicopter
Rise Liao: L1250060 will land
Rise Liao: L1240939 will land
Rise Liao: L1240940 will land
Rise Liao: L1240977 will land
Rise Liao: L1250001 will land
Rise Liao: L1250002 will land
Rise Liao: L1250009 will land
Rise Liao: L1250041 will land