Bettinaling: Where is my tree? My nest!
Bettinaling: Cutting on a different surface
Bettinaling: Almost ready for the post Sharon, the ink just needs to dry :)
Bettinaling: We can't breathe without trees.
Bettinaling: Advent Sunday
Bettinaling: The second has more cut away.
Bettinaling: Plant a tree.
Bettinaling: A long way to go.
Bettinaling: First try with Lino but it was fun.
Bettinaling: Linocuts
Bettinaling: Yesterday spent the day cutting hedges but will be back with book soon :)
Bettinaling: Cutting through the night
Bettinaling: Chalk paint on everything!
Bettinaling: In the morning light
Bettinaling: Rain drops for FM :)
Bettinaling: It can be quite hard thinking back to front :)
Bettinaling: Time for a cup of tea :)
Bettinaling: A little more carving, done yesterday.
Bettinaling: Progess is slow as I wake up at night with more Ideas :)
Bettinaling: Progress, little and often.
Bettinaling: My brother Martin and his wife share the same birthday...
Bettinaling: Finished off with a pen...
Bettinaling: The last two didn't work as well as I had hoped.
Bettinaling: Tiny red notebook for daily record :)
Bettinaling: Doodle while watching the news
Bettinaling: Working on two more perpetual books