RISD Exhibitions: How and why we care
RISD Exhibitions: _____ ______ ___ (questions for my foremothers)
RISD Exhibitions: Balancing, stacking, and manifesting
RISD Exhibitions: My Mother Was Once A Child Too
RISD Exhibitions: ...I will never have a true friend
RISD Exhibitions: Secrets of My Skin
RISD Exhibitions: Letter Box
RISD Exhibitions: it may have been that silence turned into dance
RISD Exhibitions: Jungle Shadows
RISD Exhibitions: for all the bodies i’ve seen but yours
RISD Exhibitions: Nesting Harps
RISD Exhibitions: “Entradas de diario apiladas en esfuerzo de entender como llegue ahí” [“Diary entries stacked in attempt to understand how I got there”]
RISD Exhibitions: Remember Me
RISD Exhibitions: There’s a Spacecraft Blocking out the Sky