risayv: little kel
risayv: emily with glasses
risayv: andrew with glasses
risayv: sisters
risayv: me and Lo!
risayv: hey look
risayv: sammmmmmm
risayv: hey that is rob
risayv: andrew made waffles!
risayv: sing happy birthday to me i'm hungry!
risayv: wooo
risayv: thank you lime.
risayv: annnnd...
risayv: ben and fancy nancy
risayv: lighting the cake
risayv: everything is better by cake light
risayv: high fiiiive
risayv: this
risayv: L0Lz
risayv: oh man
risayv: happy birthday to me!
risayv: happy birthday to me!
risayv: happy birthday to me.
risayv: upsetting the ladies