Ripley's fish planet: Early season perfection in form and strength
Ripley's fish planet: Watch your step and don't reach into blind spots.
Ripley's fish planet: Mountain bike angling brothers
Ripley's fish planet: Insects take advantage of a short season in the Eastern Oregon desert.
Ripley's fish planet: Damian Dlugolecki quickly displays a Deschutes River native steelhead.
Ripley's fish planet: How many rattlesnakes routinely go unnoticed?
Ripley's fish planet: Not sure what kept the sign from burning.
Ripley's fish planet: Fire damage above Deschutes State Park.
Ripley's fish planet: Pear tree provides shade from the late July sun.
Ripley's fish planet: A large, strong native steelhead.
Ripley's fish planet: Mountain bike highway
Ripley's fish planet: One of Dufur's more "interesting" dwellings.
Ripley's fish planet: An oasis on a hot August afternoon.
Ripley's fish planet: Another large, early season wild steelhead taken in the Deschutes River.
Ripley's fish planet: I've been spotted.
Ripley's fish planet: Hunters' dream/PETA nightmare
Ripley's fish planet: Step back in time at the Balch Hotel
Ripley's fish planet: Multi-purpose wood burning stove.
Ripley's fish planet: Moveable feast. A horse-pulled farmer's cook shack that was taken to the fields.
Ripley's fish planet: Safe deposit
Ripley's fish planet: I crossed two dams and negotiated a maze of nets to get here.
Ripley's fish planet: Fully loaded
Ripley's fish planet: Lower Deschutes panorama
Ripley's fish planet: Nice hair, dude.
Ripley's fish planet: The parrot whisperer
Ripley's fish planet: There is water down there, but watch your back
Ripley's fish planet: Riverside comfort
Ripley's fish planet: Testing the water