rogiro: In the beginning...
rogiro: This is Britain!
rogiro: "You are the son of the Devil"
rogiro: Trafalgar Square, India
rogiro: Shine on me!
rogiro: Nebuchadnezzars Guards
rogiro: British Museum
rogiro: Out at sea
rogiro: Seven Sisters
rogiro: I hate pigeons!
rogiro: Father Joseph
rogiro: The future looks bright
rogiro: Alison Lapper Pregnant
rogiro: The end of the world is near
rogiro: Canterbury Kitsch
rogiro: You keep your eyes down
rogiro: The Channel
rogiro: The Teenagers
rogiro: - speachless -
rogiro: The Blue Lion
rogiro: Don't you dare...
rogiro: The National Stairs
rogiro: Horus
rogiro: Brighton Hell
rogiro: Grand!
rogiro: Clock Tower, Palace of Westminster
rogiro: One day I'll sail away
rogiro: The Royal Pavilion, Brighton
rogiro: Sailing under the Danish flag
rogiro: I am invincible!