Rio Rocket: b-b-b-b-b-b-b
Rio Rocket: concern about dad's drinking
Rio Rocket: aunties gendy and ping
Rio Rocket: karaoke fan
Rio Rocket: mic check
Rio Rocket: ima loves hotel sheets
Rio Rocket: lobster with ice cream sprinkles
Rio Rocket: P1100554
Rio Rocket: P1100551
Rio Rocket: P1100548
Rio Rocket: boardwalk restaurant
Rio Rocket: auntie gen
Rio Rocket: danshui boardwalk
Rio Rocket: mouse sweets
Rio Rocket: ice monster
Rio Rocket: girl talk
Rio Rocket: conversing with great grandma shaw
Rio Rocket: D-licious
Rio Rocket: with mom and aunties
Rio Rocket: P1100513
Rio Rocket: small lobster... with american cheese!
Rio Rocket: chef preps foie gras
Rio Rocket: carpaccio
Rio Rocket: whiskey and wine
Rio Rocket: aunties
Rio Rocket: pern and peter
Rio Rocket: P1100500
Rio Rocket: with mom
Rio Rocket: hello kitty cake shop
Rio Rocket: hello kitty cake shop 2