perspective-OL: Danny Riding on a Dromedary
perspective-OL: Alexandria Habour Panorama
perspective-OL: Alexandria Habour from Pharo peninsula (Citadel)
perspective-OL: Great Libary of Alexandria (reading room) Panorama
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria Human Sun Dial
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria
perspective-OL: Alexandria National Museum
perspective-OL: Alexandria National Museum (2)
perspective-OL: Alexandria Pompey's Pillar & Serapeum
perspective-OL: Alexandria's praying people on the street
perspective-OL: Bilboteca Alexandria by Night
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria Book (cartography)
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria Statue
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria Map of Alexandria
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria Treasures
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria Map of Egypt
perspective-OL: Biblioteca Alexandria Cartography
perspective-OL: Bibloteca Alexandria - Die Wissenschaft von der Wissenschaft
perspective-OL: City of Alexandria (Africa)
perspective-OL: Roman Amphitheatre
perspective-OL: Roman Amphitheatre
perspective-OL: Roman Amphitheatre
perspective-OL: Roman Amphitheatre
perspective-OL: Alexandria Central Train Station
perspective-OL: Alexandria Central Train Station Ticket Office
perspective-OL: Alexandria Shopping Streets
perspective-OL: Alexandria Downtown on Friday
perspective-OL: Alexandria nearby Misr Train station