rileyo: Paul Schroder, Former National Secretary of FSU.
rileyo: Darren Martin, Local Executive Secretary, VicTas, FSU.
rileyo: Hands Off Our Jobs
rileyo: V and balloons
rileyo: V wrangles balloons
rileyo: Corey
rileyo: V discovers static
rileyo: nat
rileyo: SS
rileyo: Wendy Streets
rileyo: channel 7 news films the launch
rileyo: Spence
rileyo: balloongirl
rileyo: Veronica, at the mercy of the balloons.
rileyo: The clean up begins...
rileyo: sue kenna & marg maloney
rileyo: emeline, kate & spence
rileyo: corey @ dorcas street
rileyo: corey @ dorcas st
rileyo: corey ready for action
rileyo: Darren & Corey
rileyo: Darren & Corey