Riley-Dobe: Willy Wagtail coming in for a landing...
Riley-Dobe: Willy Wagtail on a wire...
Riley-Dobe: Ever get the feeling someone is looking over your shoulder....
Riley-Dobe: Nature boy
Riley-Dobe: There aint nothin' like a good roll in the grass ;)
Riley-Dobe: Riley is totally focused on the fly that is on his paw
Riley-Dobe: Riley... looking serious
Riley-Dobe: Gum trees
Riley-Dobe: Tree silhouette at dusk
Riley-Dobe: Hydrangea macrophylla
Riley-Dobe: Kangaroo silhouettes at dusk
Riley-Dobe: sunset
Riley-Dobe: You talkin to me!
Riley-Dobe: Buddleia
Riley-Dobe: Riley
Riley-Dobe: Wattle Bird
Riley-Dobe: Im gunna get ya!
Riley-Dobe: Riley
Riley-Dobe: Old farm shed surrounded by big old gum trees
Riley-Dobe: Riley getting his serous look on
Riley-Dobe: sun puddle
Riley-Dobe: Well hello there day time moon 🌜