rikrose: cat tree
rikrose: otter asleep on me
rikrose: Willow grooming H's fingers.
rikrose: and now Willow is asleep.
rikrose: Willow
rikrose: Willow
rikrose: Otter.
rikrose: Otter and Willow
rikrose: Willow was the first to figure out toys.
rikrose: Willow with the feathers on a spring. She was grooming them.
rikrose: Willow, hiding under the bed.
rikrose: Otter, hiding under the bed.
rikrose: Willow, napping under the bed.
rikrose: Otter discovers laps.
rikrose: Willow, with the feather on a stick
rikrose: Otter, nearly napping.
rikrose: Willow investigating the crinkly mylar ball
rikrose: Otter investigates the feather on a stick
rikrose: Otter, mid-play with Willow
rikrose: Kitten yin and yang.
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