rikhei: My dresser, sporting a new paint job!
rikhei: My corgi, Tobi, in her new bed.
rikhei: Squirrels, no moose.
rikhei: Sunlight in my office
rikhei: A new book!
rikhei: New washer & dryer
rikhei: Simon lolling on the iPad.
rikhei: Colby cheese, being cheesy.
rikhei: Baked risotto!
rikhei: New iPhone cover
rikhei: Slanted windows covered in snow.
rikhei: My car hit 48,000 miles.
rikhei: A well-shaped brow.
rikhei: Icicles.
rikhei: Simon in the sink.
rikhei: Magnetic poetry!
rikhei: Tobi in the snow!