Rika Shae: Hand painted PC cases
Rika Shae: Swag and Such
Rika Shae: Seeing Ceiling Stars...
Rika Shae: Gearbox Panel Room Setup
Rika Shae: Gearbox Community Day Buttons
Rika Shae: Fun Zone Setup
Rika Shae: Outfit of the (Con) Day
Rika Shae: Breaking Into the Industry Panel
Rika Shae: Live Art Demo Practice
Rika Shae: Janey Springs Cosplayer
Rika Shae: Screenshot or it didn't happen - Gearbox Community Fun Zone
Rika Shae: Two Artists, and a Baby
Rika Shae: Goat, Sword, Underwear Bunny...
Rika Shae: Live Pictionary, Gearbox Style
Rika Shae: Gearbox Panel Crowd
Rika Shae: Tales From the Borderlands Cosplayers, with Tell Tale
Rika Shae: Party Boyz; or #PaxSouthYoloSwag
Rika Shae: Garage Moxxi Cosplay by Enasni
Rika Shae: Garage Moxxi Detail - "Ellie's Garage"
Rika Shae: Panel room setup
Rika Shae: Borderlands Panel Line, Pax South 2015
Rika Shae: Higher Ground
Rika Shae: Crowdscape - Borderlands Panel
Rika Shae: Button Hunters
Rika Shae: Swag Collector