SUPER BOCK: Venus de Milo
SUPER BOCK: Winged Victory of Samothrace
SUPER BOCK: Wachtend op de trein naar Parijs
SUPER BOCK: Eiffeltoren
SUPER BOCK: Montmartre.
SUPER BOCK: Eating a crepe with a lot of chocolate
SUPER BOCK: Lafayette
SUPER BOCK: Martin en Niqo snappen er niets van!
SUPER BOCK: Wat is dat nu?
SUPER BOCK: Paris, Café du Commerce
SUPER BOCK: Great picture with me and TIngreen
SUPER BOCK: Tin Green et Niqo
SUPER BOCK: Super Bock
SUPER BOCK: Zoek de 10 verschillen!
SUPER BOCK: Vanuit de tuin van het Rodin museum.
SUPER BOCK: Rodin museum
SUPER BOCK: The Thinker
SUPER BOCK: De denker
SUPER BOCK: Me and Giulia at Paris