Rijko: Eurofighter jet
Rijko: Dutch F16 jet
Rijko: Traditional army Jeep
Rijko: Chinook transport helicopter
Rijko: Apache fighting helicopter
Rijko: Apache fighting helicopter
Rijko: Chinook and Apache Helicopters in formation
Rijko: Formation of NF-5 jets of the Turkish Stars Demo Team
Rijko: Up-side-down formation of NF-5 jets of the Turkish Stars Demo Team
Rijko: F-16 Fighting Falcon shooting fire rockets to distract ground to air heat-seeking missiles.
Rijko: F-35 Lightning (aka JSF, Joint Strike Fighter)
Rijko: Two Dutch F-35 Lightnings (aka JSF, Joint Strike fighter)
Rijko: Three generations of fighting jets in formation: The Spitfire, F-16 Fighting Falcon and The F-35 Lightning
Rijko: KDC-10 Hercules Transport Airplane
Rijko: F-35 JSF in formation with 9 F-16's Fighting Flacons