Rigib: Waiting
Rigib: Babies
Rigib: Gotta have coffee
Rigib: Red
Rigib: Quite wet
Rigib: Uh-oh!
Rigib: Time to relax!
Rigib: First cup ...
Rigib: Better than wheels
Rigib: Just seconds before ...
Rigib: I can see them!
Rigib: Just right
Rigib: Choices, choices!
Rigib: Hot cocoa
Rigib: Crooning
Rigib: A is for apple, B is for bottle
Rigib: Climbing
Rigib: Oh, no!
Rigib: Caught
Rigib: Freedom
Rigib: Just FOLD it! I already showed you how!
Rigib: Almost
Rigib: On the road again
Rigib: Wishful thinking
Rigib: Smile
Rigib: Ohhh....it hurts!
Rigib: Midnight madness
Rigib: So high
Rigib: Say What??
Rigib: Half plus half ...