RobinAKirk: Stephen Grey
RobinAKirk: Steve Grey closeup
RobinAKirk: Steve Grey closeup2
RobinAKirk: Audience
RobinAKirk: Maher Arar
RobinAKirk: Christina Maher and Steve
RobinAKirk: Maher Arar with audience
RobinAKirk: Christina Maher and Steve2
RobinAKirk: Steve Maher and Christina
RobinAKirk: Steve and Maher
RobinAKirk: Steve Watt with Maher Arar
RobinAKirk: Christina Cowger
RobinAKirk: Unheard Voices questions
RobinAKirk: Jie and "Poems from Guantanamo"
RobinAKirk: Lynsi and "Poems from Guantanamo"
RobinAKirk: Claire Ariel and "Poems from Guantanamo"
RobinAKirk: David and "Poems from Guantanamo"
RobinAKirk: Katie and "Poems from Guantanamo"
RobinAKirk: Samson Mesele reads from "Poems from Guantanamo"
RobinAKirk: Samson2 and poems
RobinAKirk: Amanda and poems
RobinAKirk: Cameron and poems
RobinAKirk: Ariel and poems