rightee: Who's taking the penalty?
rightee: Me and Jess
rightee: CIMG3689
rightee: TEAM!
rightee: CIMG3693
rightee: Tricia and Huw
rightee: Herr Kiff
rightee: Paul re-enacting James' Biarritz "sink" incident
rightee: Doh!
rightee: Group
rightee: Close up
rightee: Royle pose
rightee: Smile again for the 1000th time!
rightee: Group scene
rightee: Just one more..
rightee: The photographer earns his crust
rightee: More photos
rightee: Waiting!
rightee: Startled!
rightee: Paul gets to work on the dancefloor
rightee: Harcourtians
rightee: James/Paul
rightee: The inevitable "mirror" shot
rightee: No comment
rightee: Shocked
rightee: Yawn
rightee: Does exactly as it says on the windscreen
rightee: Blowing up erm.. funny balloons
rightee: The car
rightee: More car