rigel.m: after a quick stop in london...
rigel.m: ...we picked the car up in johannesburg...
rigel.m: ...grabbed some snacks...
rigel.m: ...drove about four hours...
rigel.m: ...we finally made it to hippo hollow!
rigel.m: the signs were very welcoming!!!
rigel.m: and the locals were too!
rigel.m: our lodge!
rigel.m: our view of the sabie river from our deck
rigel.m: hippo hollow
rigel.m: safari time!!!! let's do this!!
rigel.m: hmmm, they must of named it after freddy
rigel.m: of course, the first thing we saw were impalas. they were followed by:
rigel.m: vervet monkeys (with babies)
rigel.m: zebras
rigel.m: warthog family
rigel.m: a hyena
rigel.m: elephant!!! he was so close!!!
rigel.m: tee hee, this is one of those very rare five legged elephants
rigel.m: giraffes
rigel.m: lions crossing the road!!!
rigel.m: eeeeek!!!!
rigel.m: hopped over the ditch....
rigel.m: ...and they were on their way
rigel.m: baboon (before i thought they were super scary)
rigel.m: rhino
rigel.m: buffalo
rigel.m: leopard
rigel.m: more elephants