RigbyMel: "Col. William Crawford" led us on a tour of some of the sights
RigbyMel: "Col. Crawford" introducing the Lightship Portsmouth
RigbyMel: "Col. William Crawford"
RigbyMel: Pirates - The Moody Crewe
RigbyMel: Litghtship Portsmouth
RigbyMel: Litghtship Portsmouth
RigbyMel: Litghtship Portsmouth
RigbyMel: Pirates - The Moody Crewe
RigbyMel: Pirates - The Moody Crewe
RigbyMel: Pirates - The Moody Crewe
RigbyMel: Lightship Portsmouth - Radio Room
RigbyMel: Lightship Portsmouth - Captain's Quarters
RigbyMel: Garden Pics 077
RigbyMel: Lightship Portsmouth - Enlisted Men's Quarters
RigbyMel: Lightship Portsmouth - Engine
RigbyMel: Lightship Portsmouth
RigbyMel: Ship in the Elizabeth River at Portsmouth, VA
RigbyMel: Portsmouth waterfront
RigbyMel: Ship in the Elizabeth River at Portsmouth, VA
RigbyMel: Hog Island Light - Portsmouth,VA
RigbyMel: Hog Island Light - Portsmouth,VA
RigbyMel: Hog Island Light - Portsmouth,VA
RigbyMel: Hog Island Light - Portsmouth,VA
RigbyMel: Hog Island Lighthouse lens closeup
RigbyMel: Hog Island Lighthouse lens closeup
RigbyMel: Ships on the Elizabeth River, Portsmouth, VA
RigbyMel: Bob Zentz and Jeanne McDougall performing at the Skipjack Marine Gallery, Portsmouth
RigbyMel: Bob Zentz performing at the Skipjack Marine Gallery, Portsmouth
RigbyMel: Jeanne McDougall performing at the Skipjack Marine Gallery, Portsmouth