daisymaebear -: Don't believe those innocent eyes
daisymaebear -: The Looks of Love
daisymaebear -: It seems DaisyMae and Duncan are thinking seriously about getting married.
daisymaebear -: They each have the ball? 2 Balls?
daisymaebear -: He is this sweet
daisymaebear -: "Duncan. guess who's here?"
daisymaebear -: Here comes Duncan
daisymaebear -: DSCN0300
daisymaebear -: Jackie and Duncan
daisymaebear -: Simply a Photo of Joy: Having a conversation
daisymaebear -: Deep thoughts
daisymaebear -: There goes Duncan!
daisymaebear -: And away she goes.....
daisymaebear -: There they go. (Notice the tails never stop)
daisymaebear -: Duncan saw this stick way out from shore and on his own swam out and retrieved it.
daisymaebear -: DSCN0199
daisymaebear -: Partners
daisymaebear -: Serious stick making
daisymaebear -: Playtime
daisymaebear -: DaisyMae and her boyfriend, Duncan
daisymaebear -: This is DUNCAN!
daisymaebear -: True Love
daisymaebear -: "Gotcha"
daisymaebear -: "Me Too"
daisymaebear -: Duncan- all their play is after the walk to the beach !