daisymaebear -: Front burm, early spring
daisymaebear -: going towards meadow
daisymaebear -: front burm from street; early spring
daisymaebear -: Our Yard...
daisymaebear -: Our backyard and patio
daisymaebear -: Flowers and a puppy
daisymaebear -: fun with light and a place to relax
daisymaebear -: Beauty everywhere
daisymaebear -: Nature and a few plants
daisymaebear -: sun and Leisure
daisymaebear -: Now this feels good !
daisymaebear -: Path and Gate
daisymaebear -: I love this spot
daisymaebear -: the path provides a seating area
daisymaebear -: another view
daisymaebear -: Large Burm
daisymaebear -: Gardening in containers
daisymaebear -: My Garden
daisymaebear -: View from our deck
daisymaebear -: Green in winter
daisymaebear -: And one strives to be above the rest
daisymaebear -: You think this is fun?
daisymaebear -: DSCN0733
daisymaebear -: Welcom to Our Garden (a work still in progress)
daisymaebear -: This is a bed is surrounded by path and in front of the Rhododendron Tree
daisymaebear -: Outside office @ to enjoy beauty
daisymaebear -: Along the path