riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 113.. "She is mine! No, she is OURS!"
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0523 140.. Who gets the hair?
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0618 321.. Green is mean
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 104.. "Sam, the ring!"
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 349.. Damn, well that didn't work
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0618 309.. Enough talking
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0523 145.. Slash and burn tactics
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0618 296.. Puny god
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0618 274.. Space marine
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 092.. "Nah it's all in your head, Sam."
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 148.. "He looks preoccupied."
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 125.. Away from the battle
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 112.. "Yoo hoo, Hobbits!"
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0618 300.. Uhhhhhh....
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0523 158.. March on Minas Morgul
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 365.. Will Turner is a tad restricted
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0618 310.. Oh dear
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 044.. Miss me, bub?
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 146.. *Gollum sings*
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 142.. "Should we?"
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0618 315.. Pummeled
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 061.. Where is that mutant?
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 094.. "Did you hear that?"
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 097.. "Run Sam!"
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0523 144.. We're going to.. Gondor?
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 378.. Maybe the compass will help?
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 126.. "What's this do?"
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0618 311.. *SMASH*
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0529 110.. A helpless Frodo
riffsyphon1024: 2012_0618 292.. Uh oh.