riffsyphon1024: Long Time Geologist Friends
riffsyphon1024: "Seriously? This is what the Rebels send our way?"
riffsyphon1024: "Oh... flart."
riffsyphon1024: The next day... "He's no match for us!"
riffsyphon1024: "I spoke too soon..."
riffsyphon1024: "Help! Get me away from this ginger!"
riffsyphon1024: "Peace out dog."
riffsyphon1024: "I hear you're fraternizing with them stormies. I hear Everything."
riffsyphon1024: "I thought so."
riffsyphon1024: Size disadvantage
riffsyphon1024: Chuck Norris: Destroyer of peaceful worlds
riffsyphon1024: Aren't you a little short for a Chuck Norris?
riffsyphon1024: "But you said you wouldn't kick my ass until Tuesday!"
riffsyphon1024: "Oh I have a bad feeling about this..."
riffsyphon1024: "You're going to be my new suitcase 1024."
riffsyphon1024: After dealing with 1024, Chuck Norris goes back to wrangling AT-ATs for his daily workout.
riffsyphon1024: "There, that should hold you this time."
riffsyphon1024: Chuck Norris once farted and knocked out an entire fleet of Star Destroyers
riffsyphon1024: "This might be our only chance."
riffsyphon1024: "Uh oh..."
riffsyphon1024: "Crap, now what do we do?"
riffsyphon1024: Behind Chuck's beard is another fist
riffsyphon1024: TK-Doc seeks the man (read god) with the knowledge and wisdom
riffsyphon1024: "Ah! Just me and the snow!"
riffsyphon1024: "It's a trap!"
riffsyphon1024: Leaving a path of destruction in his wake
riffsyphon1024: 2010_1123 323.. Chuck was here
riffsyphon1024: 2010_1123 324.. Chuck is eyeing you, Montgomery
riffsyphon1024: 2010_1123 334.. "Clearly this is a spelling error, it should read CHUCK'S.."
riffsyphon1024: 2010_1123 355.. Chuck smells what the earth is cooking