Rifa21: Laughing Gull
Rifa21: White Throated Sparrow
Rifa21: gull on piling
Rifa21: titmouse
Rifa21: Golden-crown Kinglet
Rifa21: Kinglet1
Rifa21: Osprey in attack
Rifa21: Mockingbird
Rifa21: Bird in the bush
Rifa21: merganser
Rifa21: Towhee
Rifa21: Golden Crown Kinglet showing his crown copy
Rifa21: Female and Male Cardinal
Rifa21: Chickadee
Rifa21: House Finch
Rifa21: Hermit Thrush
Rifa21: Parent and baby owl
Rifa21: Mourning Dove
Rifa21: The Eye of the Osprey
Rifa21: Begin, Began, and Begun