oykusenturkphoto: i am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me
cdb033 Expanding!: A Single Beauty
Christine Lebrasseur: Tout près de l'infini
poppelus: Black Gold
mp.fries: InFocus.
chris zerbes: Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
linsenfutter: Franziska 08-2012
Alan Bourne: BUSTER
Malena T Persson: Keep me warm
chris zerbes: Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
. Panda: Don't memorize the leaves that cover to deceive to make you forget me
kateealexandraa: These are for you
cdb033 Expanding!: Lips That Speak The Truth
Sherlock77 (James): Cool Tunes
oykusenturkphoto: Day 315 : We'll Both Forget The Breeze V
oykusenturkphoto: i saw the lights go down at the end of the scene IV
sistereden2: Paris à l'honneur
Violet Paradise: When the past gives you no comfort
ChrGaines Photography: Proverbs_22_12 [Explored]
ChrGaines Photography: Holland State Park
-thor0410-: Exploring...
juku91: LOL
ChrGaines Photography: The objects we find
claudia.zucca: believe my eyes
Violet Kashi: "Eyes are an ocean in which dreams are reflected.”
Shirren Lim Photography: .[like] writing letters to the moon.