RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Teddy van Halen
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Greifs vs. Bears
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Oh Shit!
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Teddies in strange places
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Teddy-Wan Kenobi
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Face Shield
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Bärnhardt in Ensheim
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Aprilia Dorsoduro SMV 750
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
... crowded, but not so crowded
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Oh, it's the cops!
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Making new friends everywhere
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Ready to Bear
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
My daughters told me I should go back to focus on some more nature photography. Me: Hold my Bear!
RICORUDEDUDE | Pixelfrosting:
Summer's almost over ...