Erick Loitiere: 70 | Patawa folia (Carnaval)
Erick Loitiere: Jaguar (crossing the swamp... again)
Erick Loitiere: Puma (sleepy beauty)
Erick Loitiere: Exploring the shore (I've been tagged)
Erick Loitiere: Jaguar (crossing the swamp)
Erick Loitiere: Montravel boléro
Erick Loitiere: Heure bleue sur le fleuve Mahury | Blue hour over the Mahury river
Erick Loitiere: Au pied de la colline | Down the hill
Erick Loitiere: Au pied de la colline | Down the hill
Erick Loitiere: Puma (I'm that cool)
Erick Loitiere: Exploring the shore
Erick Loitiere: Exploring the shore
Erick Loitiere: Arbres sacrés | Sacred trees
Erick Loitiere: Smooth dusk
Erick Loitiere: Marée descendante | Downward tide
Erick Loitiere: Rendez-vous manqué | Missed appointment
Erick Loitiere: Arrivée tardive | Late arrival
Erick Loitiere: Dimanche dernier | Last Sunday
Erick Loitiere: Paisible | Peaceful
Erick Loitiere: Louange du matin | Morning celebration
Erick Loitiere: Matin glorieux | Glorious morning
Erick Loitiere: Point du jour | Night break
Erick Loitiere: L'attente (encore) | Waiting (again)
Erick Loitiere: Rain is coming
Erick Loitiere: Loraina N.
Erick Loitiere: Au milieu des pierres | Between the stones
Erick Loitiere: Contemplation