Red Golden: A wild big horn with his celebrity statue...
Red Golden: So, do you think that the artist did a good job?
Red Golden: Excuse me...Are you ready? for my entitled walk?
Red Golden: 14 + 17 = 31, x 4 = 124! Gramama - Long time no see! You know - you were gone for 14 days, and my pawrents were gone for 17 days, so, I have not seen you for 31 days. Since you give me 4 cookies every time I see you, you owe me 124 cookies!
Red Golden: Do you really need to torture me like this??? Put a bowl of all my favorite stuff in front of me, but make me do all kinds of stupid tricks endlessly before the magic word "OK (to eat)"??!!!
Red Golden: Lion King Want-to-be
Red Golden: With horns like those, even lions think twice before approaching him...
Red Golden: Hmm....I guess the bird thinks that he can fly away faster than the crocodile opens his jaw.... a bit too close for my comfort...
Red Golden: We encountered a lion pride - 3 females with seven 12 - 18 month old cubs. They took down this baby giraffe a few hours earlier (we didn't see the process), but we saw the aftermath...
Red Golden: In case you are wondering how close we were with the you get an idea...
Red Golden: Another SUPER lucky sighting...the rangers haven't seen cheetah in this area for two years and we stumbled upon this lady!
Red Golden: Nature is making fun of these guys and give them a "butt mark" for lions to target more accurately?
Red Golden: Another lucky encounter - two super cute white rhino babies and their massive moms with SHARP horns!...
Red Golden: After non-stop playing, the baby rhino comes to the mom for some energy drink!
Red Golden: A baby hyena came out of the den for 5 seconds! Sooooo cute!
Red Golden: A teenager hyena - isn't he cute?
Red Golden: My pawrents sent me a photo from their trip (see below in comments). My loving dog-sitting aunt & uncle felt bad for me for missing out all the fun they have in Africa, so they got me a leopard.
Red Golden: Whenever we see big cats in Africa….we thought about how Rico would have chased them ignorantly…or been chased!
Red Golden: Here is a photo from my pawrents’ email to me…they visited a lion conservation project today and were playing with two 10 month old kitties! Traitors! Now, I am really worried that they’d bring home a kitten or two to de-throne me!
Red Golden: Don’t….don’t leave me with this crazy cousin (the black dog) alone at home!! Take me with you to South Africa!! I want to meet lions, leopards, and my ancestors - Wild Dogs, too?! OK-fine... I am going to report you for child abandonment….
Red Golden: Rico is a very worried guy…Here is just a small sample list of source of his worries:
Red Golden: Let us in, so we can go back out again! =============== [Daily Dog Challenge -"Repeating Pattern"] -- Oh ya…these guys are really good repeating the pattern of asking to go out when they are in, and asking to come in, when they are out….
Red Golden: It has been 4 hours, 23 minutes, and 38 seconds…. I have been waiting here for my entitled walk, but how come they don’t get the message??? I am a busy guy, I don’t have the whole day to wait for you guys…
Red Golden: Three dogs, three directions....Without much explanation….you guys can figure out why my Dad failed that dog walker job application AGAIN, right? Even after 18 months of practices….
Red Golden: The lumpy boy is safe again! Two weeks, two lumps, three needle pokes, three hundred dollars, and countless worrying hours later….THANK YOU, everyone, for your good thoughts and support – it means a lot for the lumpy boy and his pawrents!
Red Golden: Yes – you are our divine leader and we look up to you with such admiration. We are ready for any missions commanded by you – just give us those smelly salmon sticks…
Red Golden: Dr. Nice Vet…you promise? If I let you poke me with that needle, you will give me a whole bag of treats? --- Daddy….you promise? If I let Dr. Vet draw some blood without making a big scene, you’d compensate my blood loss with a double cheeseburger?
Red Golden: Oooops – sorry, Mommy….are you alright down there? I didn’t mean to push you off the bed…truly an accident; but, this bed sure feels more comfortable to have just Daddy and me in it….
Red Golden: Affection between brothers….
Red Golden: Daddy….do you really think we can make a good choir? Especially me being the tenor in Magic Flute?? The city hall is right here…they might evacuate or jail us for disturbing the public tranquility….