ricmcarthur: the original turtle neck
ricmcarthur: Blandings turtle
ricmcarthur: in good hands
ricmcarthur: deer at feeders Rondeau
ricmcarthur: black crowned night heron at Rondeau
ricmcarthur: Only her hairdresser knows for sure
ricmcarthur: spiders web 2
ricmcarthur: spiders web
ricmcarthur: tundra swans at Rondeau
ricmcarthur: flying Prothonatory
ricmcarthur: Monarch
ricmcarthur: Carolina wren nestlings
ricmcarthur: barred owl
ricmcarthur: spider
ricmcarthur: chickadee
ricmcarthur: But Mom, my feet were cold!
ricmcarthur: Baby oppossum
ricmcarthur: Homer, no not Simpson
ricmcarthur: Casey and the deer
ricmcarthur: Homers handsome profile
ricmcarthur: catepillar
ricmcarthur: Hog nosed snake
ricmcarthur: indesicsion
ricmcarthur: that's where the niger seed goes
ricmcarthur: Chip "Stubby" Munk
ricmcarthur: The white tail gang
ricmcarthur: Oppy "Pink Foot" Floyd
ricmcarthur: Jeepers creepers where did you get those peppers
ricmcarthur: The look out