ricmcarthur: But Mom, my feet were cold!
ricmcarthur: Frog on a rock
ricmcarthur: no sense of smell
ricmcarthur: Insecure primate
ricmcarthur: sad eyes
ricmcarthur: a handful of snakes
ricmcarthur: blue spotted salamader
ricmcarthur: snapping turtle
ricmcarthur: soft shell turtle up close
ricmcarthur: wild deer up close
ricmcarthur: green frog2
ricmcarthur: tree frog
ricmcarthur: baboon baby
ricmcarthur: pike 2 photo by Scott Taylor
ricmcarthur: pink katydid
ricmcarthur: blind sphinx moth catepilar
ricmcarthur: 5 line skink
ricmcarthur: Frog at Rondeau park by Scott Taylor
ricmcarthur: Blandings turtle
ricmcarthur: Spider in Web
ricmcarthur: Baby oppossum
ricmcarthur: Are you wearing anything under there?
ricmcarthur: Homer, no not Simpson
ricmcarthur: Casey and the deer
ricmcarthur: In the hands of children
ricmcarthur: It bites
ricmcarthur: Banding a tuffted titmouse