rickyrick3000: Black Crowned Night Heron shaking the rain off.
rickyrick3000: Ice skating Crow.
rickyrick3000: Getting the Eagle eye.
rickyrick3000: Acorn Woodpecker digging for bugs.
rickyrick3000: Bald Eagler watching the Duck meat on the pond.
rickyrick3000: Townsend Solitaire in flight.
rickyrick3000: Towndend Solitaire
rickyrick3000: American Bittern closeup.
rickyrick3000: Male and Female Wood Duck.
rickyrick3000: Bald Eagle rain flight
rickyrick3000: Bald Eagle coming at you.
rickyrick3000: I see your camera.
rickyrick3000: The Great Egret.
rickyrick3000: Juvenile Night Heron
rickyrick3000: Blacked Crowned Night Heron doing what it does best S I T !
rickyrick3000: The red eye of the Night Heron.
rickyrick3000: River Otter taking a break.
rickyrick3000: River Otter with a scratch.
rickyrick3000: I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
rickyrick3000: Coopers Hawk keeping eye on me.
rickyrick3000: Bald Eagle water flyover
rickyrick3000: A Balancing Act
rickyrick3000: Morning Exercise
rickyrick3000: Snapping Turtle Love
rickyrick3000: Wandering Coyote
rickyrick3000: American Bittern
rickyrick3000: Red tail Hawk
rickyrick3000: Northern Shovelers ice skating
rickyrick3000: No water here only ice
rickyrick3000: Morning Light Profile