Passive Man: Flags
Passive Man: Flamethrower
Passive Man: Landing
Passive Man: Formation of the Ages
Passive Man: Generations
Passive Man: Ft McHenry
Passive Man: Sloop
Passive Man: B2 Bomber
Passive Man: Formation
Passive Man: Big Moe
Passive Man: Gottland; Itty-Bitty-Submarine
Passive Man: USS Arizona
Passive Man: Sea Hawk Approach
Passive Man: Yoko DSL
Passive Man: USS Flordia
Passive Man: Togo
Passive Man: Da Man
Passive Man: Sub and Jet Skis
Passive Man: Enterprise Space Shuttle
Passive Man: Pink Ship
Passive Man: Fort Monroe
Passive Man: Burke out to Sea
Passive Man: Boomer coming home
Passive Man: Drills off Waikiki
Passive Man: Hickam
Passive Man: Alpha and Omega
Passive Man: USNS Bold
Passive Man: San Diego Outchop
Passive Man: Yokosuka Sub