Rickloh: Samsung Media Day - "KAPTURE THE MOMENT" GALAXY K zoom Launch
Rickloh: Beautiful model with the Samsung Galacxy K zoom
Rickloh: The elegant Samsung Galaxy K zoom
Rickloh: Samsung Media Day - "KAPTURE THE MOMENT" GALAXY K zoom Launch
Rickloh: Eugene Goh, Vice President of IT and Mobile Samsung Eletronics Singapore
Rickloh: Sun Hong Lim, senior vice president of Samsung's imaging business
Rickloh: Sun Hong Lim, senior vice president of Samsung's imaging business
Rickloh: Sun Hong Lim, senior vice president of Samsung's imaging business
Rickloh: Samsung Media Day - "KAPTURE THE MOMENT" GALAXY K zoom Launch
Rickloh: Allan Wu hosting the Samsung Media Day Event
Rickloh: Samsung Media Day - "KAPTURE THE MOMENT" GALAXY K zoom Launch