ricklibrarian: Entering the Wizarding World
ricklibrarian: Hogsmeade rooftops
ricklibrarian: Preparing for a day of butterbeer sales
ricklibrarian: Owl in Dervish and Banges window
ricklibrarian: Check the chimneys
ricklibrarian: Hogwarts in the distance
ricklibrarian: Hogwarts
ricklibrarian: Snowman in May
ricklibrarian: Chimney closeup
ricklibrarian: Hagrid's Hut
ricklibrarian: Flight of the Hippogriff
ricklibrarian: Sign for Flight of the Hippogriff
ricklibrarian: Bonnie and Rick
ricklibrarian: The Three Broomsticks
ricklibrarian: Kitchen window of the Three Broomsticks
ricklibrarian: Bonnie at Honeydukes
ricklibrarian: I like this rooftop
ricklibrarian: Books in Ollivanders
ricklibrarian: Ollivanders Sales Staff
ricklibrarian: Line to enter Ollivanders wand shop
ricklibrarian: Witches and wizards
ricklibrarian: Laura tries butterbeer.
ricklibrarian: Owl Post
ricklibrarian: Hogwarts Express