Rick and Fran Castello: Mistress Amelia
Rick and Fran Castello: Mistress Valerie
Rick and Fran Castello: Mistresses Fran, Amelia, Stephanie
Rick and Fran Castello: Opening Parade_Sunday
Rick and Fran Castello: Mistress Rebeka & Porthos
Rick and Fran Castello: Mistress Fran & Chain
Rick and Fran Castello: Brian kicks cabbage!
Rick and Fran Castello: Merry Maidens of Mischief?
Rick and Fran Castello: Mistress Jess
Rick and Fran Castello: Vincent? VICTOR!! DOH!
Rick and Fran Castello: Michael & Jess
Rick and Fran Castello: A full mug and pistol b/w legs...prepared!
Rick and Fran Castello: Victor, your pistol is limp ;)