love was all we knew: why can't we be friends?
love was all we knew: no parking in the streets,only sitting
love was all we knew: seating for two
love was all we knew: single women need apply only
love was all we knew: we chose this path now we can`t walk away
love was all we knew: we could be in the park and dancing by a tree
love was all we knew: on bright yellow fields
love was all we knew: beautiful people
love was all we knew: all you need is love
love was all we knew: i love you & art
love was all we knew: bush is killing us all
love was all we knew: but no one was expecting the outcome on that baseball diamond
love was all we knew: snow pours down a white coat on the town, footsteps the only sound
love was all we knew: spotlights, they`re shining on everything they make even boring seem like it is so interesting
love was all we knew: and we`re still walking the same ground, our footprints are blending together
love was all we knew: get your crabs today.
love was all we knew: millions and millions chase the wild goose tonight
love was all we knew: love birds fly away far
love was all we knew: cassi wuz here